Our Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Part of our mission here at Curio states that we are “making sure we all have the chance to eat well.” What does ‘all’ mean? We believe that diversity, equity and inclusion are crucial in creating a just future for humans and the planet. When we say ‘all’ we mean...
Why Curio Is a B Corp™ and Why It Matters
by Claire Cheney, Curio Spice Founder & Blender-in-ChiefWhen I founded Curio Spice Co. back in 2015, I knew one thing for certain: I wanted to be part of the growing movement to use business as a "force for good™". Profit for profit’s sake didn’t interest me. But I also knew...
Join In On Our Secret!
Do you want to know secret? You can have a Curio curated spice bundle delivered directly to your doorstep each month. Inside you can expect spices from across the world with recipes to kickstart your curiosity in the kitchen. The secret gets even better...the spices found within your subscription support small,...
Balsam Sugar Has Arrived!
It’s time! Our most popular seasonal release has hit our site and the physical shelves at our Cambridge location. That’s right – Balsam Sugar is here for the holidays. Our blend of Maine balsam fir tips infused into cane sugar is pure winter magic. What is even more magical is the story behind...
A Curio Curated Thanksgiving Menu
The menu planning and prep for Thanksgiving can be overwhelming, especially when you are in charge of the turkey. Luckily, we have a brining kit that will help you tackle the task of turkey prep and a few other spices (with recipes!) to ensure your Thanksgiving is a spice-filled success! Turkey...
Spice, Spice, Baby: Come Visit Us at Snowport!
2024 has been a big year for us! A second location at Boston Public Market, spice blend collaborations with new friends and finally to finish out the year we are excited to announce our seasonal location at Boston’s Snowport Holiday Market! We have just what you need for holiday gift...
Seasons Greetings: Curio's Holiday Gift Guide
To make your holiday shopping easier, we've put together a perfectly spiced gift guide for everyone on your list. Under $100: For the first time ever, you can buy all eleven of our Signature Blends for under $100 in The Complete Signature Blend Collection! Each of our Signature Blends is an...
Our Second Location: Curio at Boston Public Market!
It is opening time at the Boston Public Market and the stalls come to life as we prepare to open the doors to downtown Boston. The espresso machines from George Howell screech and the sweet smell of Red Apple Farm’s apple cider donuts wafts over to our new spot in...
Spice Education 101: Freshness
Above is a photo of the same spice – one is fresh, one is over 3 years old. Can you tell which is which? Spices don’t spoil the same way yogurt or spinach may, but they will lose intensity, vibrancy and flavor over time. Below are a few tips and...
Saffron Prep Made Simple: How to Get the Most Flavor From Every Strand
The world’s most expensive spice by weight, saffron grows like something out of a fairytale. The purple petals of a saffron crocus unfurl in autumn to reveal the rich orange stigmas which will be plucked and dried. It takes about 150 saffron crocuses to produce a single teaspoon. This delicate...
Curio's Curious Roots: Claire's Journey To Curio
Ever wonder the origins of Curio Spice Co? Our founder and blender-in-chief Claire shares her background and the beginning of Curio in her own words! I grew up in the Boston area, as well as in rural Maine where my family had a big garden and access to the forest....
Upgrade Your Sweetness: Discover the Magic of Curio's Sugar Bundle
As the days become shorter and the weather turns colder, we all find ourselves scrambling for a source of comfort – something to do as we are sequestered inside to weather out the winter. For many (including myself), comfort can be found in the hands-on process of baking. Whether it...
Confidence with Curio: Safe, Clean Cinnamon
Fall is here – a season that inspires gathering and community. This means spiced baked goods, warm beverages, and hearty stews filling our tables. As we all embrace this cozy season with its nostalgic and comforting flavors, there can be nothing more jarring than learning that one of your favorite...
Cajas de cajas de la sociedad secreta de las especias
Luciendo bien y compartiendo una historia. Un buen empaque tiene poder; lo más importante, el poder de comunicar. Lo hemos visto en acción: nuestro empaque comparte la historia y la misión de Curio de apoyar a los agricultores, crear comunidades e inspirar la creatividad culinaria. Desde nuestros inicios en 2015,...
Historia de la rueda de las especias
Fue hace unos diez años cuando se me ocurrió por primera vez la idea de dedicarme a las especias como carrera. Había trabajado en cafés especiales durante muchos años, haciendo muchas inmersiones profundas y llenas de cafeína en el mundo del café de origen único, donde el término "terroir" era...
¿Qué es la pimienta de Jamaica?
Por Gillian Ehrman El olor dulce y acre de las plantas en este día caluroso y húmedo en Cambridge me transporta a una calurosa tarde de septiembre en el profundo este de Texas, caminando por los jardines de mi universidad. Recuerdo a Carolina Allspice de un paseo por las plantas...
Kofta de cordero de Montreal con salsa de tahini y yogur
Rinde 6 porciones Estas crujientes albóndigas dignas de kebab reciben su toque de Monsieur Montreal. Hacer florecer las especias, las chalotas y el ajo en aceite resalta las notas saladas y los sabores picantes y picantes de Monsieur Montreal, los cuales resaltan la riqueza de la carne de res o...
Maíz hervido especiado, cuatro formas
Por Andrew Janjigian He estado haciendo la versión de Sichuan de esta mezcla de palomitas de maíz durante años, desde que la desarrollé con mi amiga, la experta en cocina vietnamita y asiática Andrea Nguyen. Le doy bolsas a mis amigos como regalo de vacaciones o de cumpleaños, o lo...
Productor destacado: Granjas Lengua de Fuego
Palabras de John Kilfoyle. Fotos cortesía de Fire Tongue Farms. Fire Tongue Farms es una granja de chile que comenzó en Hollister, California, en 2014, con el objetivo de cultivar variedades raras de chile de alta calidad para chefs locales, fabricantes de salsa picante y empresas de especias. Secan y...
La historia de las latas de Curio: siempre reciclables, siempre clásicas
Incluso antes de comenzar mi negocio en 2015, recuerdo haber mirado una lata antigua de azafrán que había sobre mi escritorio, llena de bolígrafos y otros desechos de oficina. Estaba en mi escritorio como un recordatorio de lo que puede ser el embalaje: un objeto hermoso, útil más allá de...